These are just things I write, okay? Sometimes they're profound insights or funny stories and I'm really proud of them. Other times it's mindless rhetoric that I've since completely changed my mind about and am ashamed of. But most of the time it's just words.

Older Fun:


A p Juvenility: a conversation

p : Manga Frreak is bl33t! He's got all there little battle scars and shit. His arms kinda get in each other's way though.

A : know what else is bl33t? pr0n.

p : really? I think i've heard of that. Is it cool?

A : ya. i just found out it existed tonight. it gives me a funny feeling in my no-no spot

p : Ooo! neat!
Wanna know what I discovered? I touched my no-no spot and it got happy!

A : but you're not supposed to touch your no-no spot. that's like, a no-no or something.

p : I think they just tell you that because they don't want you to be happy like this. It was happy like I've never been happy before. It made me Special Happy.

A : whoa, i think i'll try to be special happy tonight.
(this conversation is approaching DBA-level weirdness)

p : I think Manga Freak's Happy No-No Spot is coming out of his back. It looks VERY happy.

A : whoa

p : He's got 22 articulation points & one bendy tentacle arm. And some sorta-bendy um, hair, I guess.

A : i have an articulated bendy tenticle in my pants

p : Cool. his has pinchers, does yours?

A : YES!

p : Supersweet!
I don't. I was circumnavigated.